Building an infrastructure for opportunity.

The infrastructure of opportunity – health care, education, housing, and environmental justice – allows people to achieve their greatest potential, no matter where they start in life or where they may stumble along the way.

  • Brynn is a proven fighter for protecting consumer choice and autonomy, including the right to full-spectrum reproductive, gender-affirming, and end-of-life healthcare.

    As a community health lawyer, Brynn has advocated for additional investments in behavioral health services, medical respite care for people experiencing homelessness, and healthcare access and services for immigrants. She supports universal healthcare - universal health insurance coverage and universal access to needed healthcare services. This requires investing in a robust healthcare workforce, increasing public insurance coverage options, and supporting the entire continuum of healthcare services available to communities.

Health Care

  • Brynn is committed to bolstering investments in early learning, K-12, and community and technical colleges. She believes all students deserve safe and welcoming schools and affordable post-high school opportunities to ensure that they have the chance to succeed at every level.

    This means fully funding special education, ensuring fair wages for critical members of our education workforce, such as paraeducators and bus drivers, and reinforcing workplace and collective bargaining protections.


  • Brynn is committed to keeping people housed, creating more affordable housing options, and transit-oriented development. She supports programs that help people stay in their homes and promote a variety of housing options, including more multi-family housing. She supports rent stabilization, increasing investments in permanent supportive housing, and reducing barriers to building high density housing choices near transit.


  • Communities today and future generations deserve cleaner air, land, and water. This requires taking proactive step to reduce carbon emissions, protect our watersheds, promote habitat restoration, and preserve legacy forests.



Help support the fight for justice, equality, and opportunity for all.